….Studenterhåndbogen..The Student Handbook….
….Mere end 7000 nye studerende starter på Københavns Universitet i år, og vi har sendt dem Studenterhåndbogen som en introduktion til livet som studerende på vores fantastiske universitet. ..More than 7000 new students have enrolled with us at the University of Copenhagen, and we’ve sent them the Student Handbook - our introduction to life as a student at our amazing university. In 2020 we even made one in English for all our amazing international students. Scroll down, to read the 2020 Student Handbook. ….
….Har du to minutter? Så vil vi gerne høre, hvad du synes om årets Studenterhåndbog. Giv feedback her. ..Got two minutes? We would love to know what you think of the book. Give your feedback here.